Turning Point Church is home to the greatest church in Rochester, MI, if not the world. We’re a tribe of Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, and Spirit-fed, passionate pursuers of God’s Divine Purpose for our lives and for the lives of those we lead to Christ. We have a burden for the lost and hurting of our generation, locally and globally. We strive for excellence, integrity, and impact in all we do for God.
We specialize in worship, communication, organization and leadership. We are a community of believers that helps followers of Christ to define, discover, develop, and deploy their gifts and passions in an environment ripe with potential and promise, and we’re always looking to expand our team of World Changers for the cause of Christ!
Join us each Sunday for a life-changing experience, “Where there’s more…because there’s more to you!” ~ Pastor Rodger
Turning Point Church and its various ministries is made possible by faithful givers and supporters. Please prayerfully consider supporting our work as we endeavor to spread the Gospel at home and overseas. Please click the Givelify link below to give safely and securely online. Thank you for your generous gift.